Control Your Reactions - Ideas At Work

Control Your Reactions

Do you know anyone who doesn’t react? What would it be like if you never reacted to situations or people… to what they said or to what they did?

I have learned and know by experience that every reaction has reaction energy, and many reactions cause the loss of energy. I have felt the energy loss from my reactions. I know the energy is lost and it’s unproductive. In fact, there are many times I have felt exhausted at the end of the day, and when I looked at my day’s activities, I really had not accomplished much. Now I wish I had some of that lost energy back.

This article is about controlling your reactions and controlling your life energy. You can save your reaction energy for a better and longer life.

The Human Energy Model suggests that the human body has the capacity to live beyond a one hundred year life span. This is based on evidence that some cultures around the world achieve this milestone. If the capacity to live long lives exist, what are the thieves of life energy?

One major source of lost energy is the potential for everyday losses due to spontaneous reaction energy.

Antagonistic energy in the Human Energy Model is essentially wasted life energy. Its origin is usually in conflict, but can also be rooted in fear. If you are driven by challenge and achieving results, being impatient causes a loss of energy. If you are driven to perfection and correctness, any impediment can cause antagonistic reaction energy.

Favorable reaction energy, on the other hand, can be used to enjoy life and be productive…make connections with people…be in sync with the work you do.

Are you a normal Person?

This was William Moulton Marston’s question in the first sentence, first chapter, of his book “Emotions of Normal People” written in 1928.

The first few words on page one had my attention…”Are you a normal person”? This was an interesting way to start a book. Marston went on to say…”Probably, for the most part, you are. Doubtless, however, you have occasional misgivings. Your ‘sex-complexes’, your emotion depressions, your ‘hidden fears’ seem to you, at times, distinctly abnormal. And so psychology might adjudge them. On the other hand, you undoubtedly experience fears, furies, petty jealousies, minor hatreds, and occasional feelings of trickery and deception which you have come to regard as part of your normal self. In fact, many psychologists at the present time frankly regard ‘fear’ and ‘rage’ , not only as normal emotions, but even as the major emotions. I do not regard you as a ‘normal person’ emotionally, when you are suffering from fear, rage, pain, shock, desire to deceive, or any other emotional state whatsoever containing turmoil and conflict. Your emotions are ‘normal’when theyproduce pleasantness and harmony. And this book is devoted to description of normal emotions which are so commonplace and fundamental in every-day lives of all of us they have escaped, hitherto, the attention of the academician and the psychologist.

If, as psychologists, we follow the analogy of the other biological sciences, we must expect to find normalcy synonymous with maximal efficiency of function. Survival of the fittest means survival of those members of a species whose organisms most successfully resist encroachments of environmental antagonists, and continue to function with greatest internal harmony. In the field of emotions, then, why should we alter this expectation? Why should we seek the spectacularly disharmonious emotions, the feelings that reveal a crushing of ourselves by environment, and consider these affective responses as our normal emotions”?

This game changing body of work was printed in 1928 and is out of print. I scoured all the libraries and finally acquired a copy of my own

So how can we control our reactions and the loss of reaction energy? Here is one successful technique I discovered. It works for me.

I searched my library and quickly found an old book titled “Success-Cybernetics” by U.S. Andersen. He created images as a technique to change and manage behavior. My favorite was “Operation Duck’s Back”.

I had used this technique in prior years when reacting to people who told me “Bob, you can’t do that”.

Andersen caught my attention when he said he launched Operation Duck’s Back to combat “you can’t” situations. He said “You see, it can rain on a duck, but a duck doesn’t get wet. That’s highly useful for a duck when it’s caught in the rain. A similar imperviousness is useful to humans when they’re caught in the fallout of negative circumstances and people. They can fly through the fallout without getting poisoned.”

Andersen went on to say… “The reason a duck’s feathers never get wet is because they’re coated with oil. Water can’t penetrate oil. Hence, the duck never gets wet. Operation Duck’s Back is designed to coat your “I can” with repellent oil to ward off a “you can’t”.

Here’s how you generate the repellent oil when you hear a “you can’t”. You hear “I can” instead. Andersen went on to say…” In a sorry sea of negatives, it’s a sure-fire ship to the shores of success.”

After thinking about the Duck’s Back idea. I began using it to control any antagonistic reactions. Every time the emotional reaction would start, I would visualize water flowing off a duck’s back. Soon I realized that it wasn’t as easy to spark an antagonistic reaction from me. I saved an enormous amount of emotional energy, and you can too.

Give it a try.

For more suggestions, get a copy of the book “CHILL”… Control Your Reactions And Save Your Life Energy, and get a free personalized reacition energy indicator.


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