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Get a Ukulele

Author: Bob Picha

The greatest network opportunity for professionals is now available on Linkedin.

It is an opportunity to showcase the real you in a personal way. If you have ever written an article of value for another person or group, you can write a short ebook, and actually showcase your ideas, solutions, and workstyles as you add value to your clients and customers. How and where do you begin?

The following is from the founder of the fastest way to write an ebook:

I had dinner with a friend last night and the conversation eventually lead to music.

He’s an avid music fan.

He would love to play the guitar.

Here’s the problem…

He wants to play like Joe Walsh - NOW.

He doesn’t want the stuff that goes before it.

The learning.

So all his life he’s wanted to play like the people he admires yet has never put the effort in to start from the basic chords to where he wants to be.

And that is Life for Most People.

They want the end result NOW but won’t put in the steps before the end.

It happens everywhere all the time.

He works 10 hour days 6 days a week at a job he doesn’t like.

He tells me it’s different for me because I’m “sort of” retired.

I’m not - but I could be.

There’s a reason.

There’s always a reason.

I told him to get a Ukulele… 4 strings and most people can play a song within a few hours.

He doesn’t like the Ukulele - he wants to play the guitar Like a Star.

He says “It’s all or nothing”

In fact it’s never all - it’s always nothing, because nothing good comes from thinking you can have it all, without giving it your all and doing something first.

He will NEVER play a musical instrument and he will ALWAYS wish he could.

That’s SAD.

Most people “think” they can’t write a novel even though they WISH they could.

They can.

They might need to write a few short stories first (Ukuleles) or they might just need to take those first few steps… like a child.

My Wife often calls us the chosen ones.

We have massive opportunity and a life that is better than most of the world.

You fall into that category too - You’re a ’chosen one’ if only for the opportunity that this period in time offers you.

Don’t miss these chances before you… that would be SAD.

Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Day. Geoff

I was impressed with what he said, and got a sense of who he was… the real Geoff. I joined Geoff’s membership training (See an example of my first two ukuleles), and then thought about what could be done with a band of ukuleles.

See what a band of ukuleles can do…

“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”

Ever wonder how they did the music for The picture “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”?

It is so cool to see how it was made after all these years. Some of you may not be old enough to remember this classic from the ’60’s. Here it is anyway. This is fantastic.

Turn it up nice and loud and enjoy. For those still caught in the ’60s groove -- this is the answer to how that magnificent signature tune came about… Superb… wait till the guy whistles!


Where to start… learn to play.

In my first short ebook “Career Freedom”, I talk about getting started. I mention a quote in the book that energized me… “getting started is not the challenge, but getting started getting started is”.

One characteristic that all professions on Linkedin share is that we are all paid to solve problems. My definition of a problem is the difference between where you are and where you want to be. The problems in growing a vibrant economy, where everyone can benefit, need the collective energies and insights of the professionals on Linkedin… especially those with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Get started getting started… join Geoff’s ultimate ebook training membership. Write and publish a short non-fiction solution-oriented ebook on Amazon. People will get to know you and your field of expertise.

This is an ongoing membership with a one time fee… about the cost of a month of cable TV… and it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. The real value is in the training technique, which is a model for high learning ROE's… return on effort.

Get started now…

Then let's form a ukulele band on Linkedin.



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